History of Genghis Khan in Xiwuqi

As the most powerful conqueror of the ancient human world, many legends on Genghis Khan are still passed on today. One of them goes like this: When Genghis Khan crossed the Gobi Desert, he lost two of his best and most beloved horses. The emperor was so furious he destroyed all settlements he came across, desperately looking for his horses.
When he came across the grasslands of Wuzhumuqin and climbed a small hill to overlook the valley he found his two horses grazing near the river Qiduer. Genghis Khan was so relieved he renamed the hill he was standing on after his horses; Siriguleng and Halagatu. This famous hill, 25 km away from Xiwuqi, host town of the event, is the place to overlook the beautiful valley with over 100 km2 of untouched grasslands.